Upgrading from 2.x

ImageKit 3.0 introduces new APIs and tools that augment, improve, and in some cases entirely replace old IK workflows. Below, you’ll find some useful guides for migrating your ImageKit 2.0 apps over to the shiny new IK3.

Model Specs

IK3 is chock full of new features and better tools for even the most sophisticated use cases. Despite this, not too much has changed when it comes to the most common of use cases: processing an ImageField on a model.

In IK2, you may have used an ImageSpecField on a model to process an existing ImageField:

class Profile(models.Model):
    avatar = models.ImageField(upload_to='avatars')
    avatar_thumbnail = ImageSpecField(image_field='avatar',
                                      processors=[ResizeToFill(100, 50)],
                                      options={'quality': 60})

In IK3, things look much the same:

class Profile(models.Model):
    avatar = models.ImageField(upload_to='avatars')
    avatar_thumbnail = ImageSpecField(source='avatar',
                                      processors=[ResizeToFill(100, 50)],
                                      options={'quality': 60})

The major difference is that ImageSpecField no longer takes an image_field kwarg. Instead, you define a source.

Image Cache Backends

In IK2, you could gain some control over how your cached images were generated by providing an image_cache_backend:

class Photo(models.Model):
    thumbnail = ImageSpecField(..., image_cache_backend=MyImageCacheBackend())

This gave you great control over how your images are generated and stored, but it could be difficult to control when they were generated and stored.

IK3 retains the image cache backend concept (now called cache file backends), but separates the ‘when’ control out to cache file strategies:

class Photo(models.Model):
    thumbnail = ImageSpecField(...,

If you are using the IK2 default image cache backend setting:


IK3 provides analogous settings for cache file backends and strategies:


See the documentation on cache file backends and cache file strategies for more details.

Conditional model processors

In IK2, an ImageSpecField could take a processors callable instead of an iterable, which allowed processing decisions to made based on other properties of the model. IK3 does away with this feature for consistency’s sake (if one kwarg could be callable, why not all?), but provides a much more robust solution: the custom spec. See the advanced usage documentation for more.

Conditonal cache_to file names

IK2 provided a means of specifying custom cache file names for your image specs by passing a cache_to callable to an ImageSpecField. IK3 does away with this feature, again, for consistency.

There is a way to achieve custom file names by overriding your spec’s cachefile_name, but it is not recommended, as the spec’s default behavior is to hash the combination of source, processors, format, and other spec options to ensure that changes to the spec always result in unique file names. See the documentation on specs for more.

Processors have moved to PILKit

Processors have moved to a separate project: PILKit. You should not have to make any changes to an IK2 project to use PILKit–it should be installed with IK3, and importing from imagekit.processors will still work.

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